Please Consider Issuing a Challenge Gift!

Challenge gifts are a highly effective way to inspire greater philanthropy in others.  Typically, a challenge gift begins with a donor telling a group of people that he or she will contribute a certain dollar amount if the group cumulatively contributes at least that same dollar amount, e.g. “I will contribute “X” dollars if the rest of our group together contributes “X” dollars.”  Another similar example of a challenge gift is when a donor states that he or she will match 1:1 all gifts made up to a cumulative amount, e.g. “I will match all gifts up to a maximum cumulative total of “X” dollars.”

TMIY Men: 

The TMIY Fall Appeal will begin in a little over a month and we have our largest goal ever of $1.6 million. Please prayerfully consider issuing a challenge to your group to help us maximize the appeal’s success. You can work with your group’s core team leader on the details and how you would like the challenge announced. If you would like to issue a challenge but wish to remain anonymous, please contact our VP of Development, Len Bertolini, at [email protected] or 630.242.0611. He would be happy to communicate the challenge to your core team leader while keeping your identity anonymous. If your group will have a challenge gift in play this fall, please let Len know.

We would also be delighted to discuss a challenge gift for any of our other programs should you have interest. Again, please contact Len either by phone or email to have a conversation.

Thank you very much for your consideration of a challenge gift to inspire other donors and help Paradisus Dei achieve its goals for Fiscal 2025!