Missionaries to the Family Half-day Retreats

“Praying together is something we’ve been working on! I feel like this retreat was just the spark we needed!” ~ Joliet Retreat Couple


“The retreat gave practical ways for us to form our family and marriage, and you gave us freedom to choose how we plan to bring up our children. I’m so excited to commit to self-sacrifice and bringing joy in our home. ~ Houston Retreat Couple


The Art of Catholic Family Life: Building a Holy Home

Our new half-day retreats take married and engaged couples into the mystery of Nazareth. Encounter practical ways to transform your house into a holy home, sacred ground, a place to profoundly encounter God, a place of joyful service and loving sacrifice, a refuge and respite in the chaos of the world.

Register for a virtual information night to learn more about Missionaries to the Family!

Have questions? Reach out to us: [email protected]



Our Lady of Lourdes | February 11

The Apparition of Our Lady at Lourdes, France (1858)
Written by: Steve Bollman

Our Lady appeared to Bernadette Soubirous 18 times between February 11 and July 16, 1858. February 11th is now celebrated as the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, and July 16th is celebrated as the Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel.

From a spiritual and practical perspective, Lourdes is big – very big. On the spiritual level, Pope Pius XII stated that Lourdes represented “a new and incomparable outpouring of the Redemption” (Le Pelerinage de Lourdes, 1957). On the practical level, it is the largest Marian shrine attracting up to 6 million people every year.

I would like to mention the hidden presence of the Holy Family at Lourdes:
– Our Lady is the only one who appeared. Her presence is still tangibly felt at the grotto and baths.
– Christ is present in the Eucharist – not only in the numerous Masses celebrated everyday in the countless chapels, but especially in the Eucharistic processions – which are themselves the source of numerous miraculous healings.
– St. Joseph loves to remain hidden. His statue is at the gate welcoming people to Lourdes. St. Joseph remains the guardian of the Holy Family.

As such, the Holy Family has, so to speak, taken up residence at Lourdes. It is a “little Nazareth.” Pope Pius XII stated that Mary “deigned to establish at Lourdes ‘the seat of her immense kindness'” (Le Pelerinage de Lourdes, 1957). It is for this reason that Paradisus Dei is so attached to Lourdes. Here families may encounter the Holy Family so that their family may find healing and experience something of the love, peace, and joy of the Holy Family.

Our Lady of Lourdes, Pray for us.

Missionaries to the Family Virtual Information Sessions

Do you desire to share the joy you’ve found in married life with
others? Do you want to study your faith as a couple and serve your
parish? Can you make a 2 hour per week commitment? Discover this
amazing invitation to discern, prepare, and accompany families in your
parish and community.

Register for one of our upcoming virtual information nights to learn more!
February 27, 2024 5 PST / 8 EST Register HERE
March 20, 2024 5 PST / 8 EST Register HERE
April 30, 2024 5 PST / 8 EST Register HERE

Learn more about Missionaries to the Family: https://archivesite.paradisusdei.org/missionaries-to-the-family/

Seeking Help with Foundations

As you may know, there are many private foundations across the United States that provide financial support to a wide variety of organizations that they feel are making a difference in the world. We humbly believe that we are one such organization, and that there are foundations that would be excited about our mission and impact if they learned more about us. The greatest challenge is that these foundations are flooded with hundreds and sometimes even thousands of requests each year (and oftentimes you must be invited by the foundation to submit a letter of inquiry or a financial request). We would be grateful to anyone who may be able to provide us with an introduction to a foundation that supports Catholic non-profit organizations, particularly ones aimed at promoting marriage and family life.

Please contact Vice President of Development, Len Bertolini, at [email protected] for more information or if you may be able to provide assistance in this area. Thank you for your consideration!

Holy Family Legacy Society

Paradisus Dei established the Holy Family Legacy Society in 2023 to encourage our program participants to leave a legacy of their Catholic faith by including a gift to Paradisus Dei in their wills or estate plans. The growth of membership in this society has been rapid and is exceeding our initial expectations – we are deeply grateful!

If you have included a gift to Paradisus Dei in your will or estate plan, please let us know, mostly so that we can say thank you. We would also be pleased to welcome you as a member of the Holy Family Legacy Society.

Please take a moment to fill out this membership form by clicking HERE

If you have questions or would like to have a conversation about planned giving, please contact:

Vice President of Development
Len Bertolini | [email protected]

Senior Development Officers

Tom Lloyd | [email protected]
Al Juarez | [email protected]

TMIY Fall Appeal Results

We are proud and feel extraordinarily blessed to announce that the That Man Is You! 2023 Fall Appeal was the best in the TMIY program’s almost 20-year history and marked our fifth consecutive record TMIY appeal. The goal of the 2023 Fall Appeal was $1,400,000 and the total amount contributed concluded at $1,463,230. Once again, a HUGE thank you to so many of our TMIY men and their spouses for your very generous support of the 2023 TMIY Fall Appeal.

Through your partnership, you are enabling us to widen our reach and impact more lives than ever with the TMIY program. Praise Him!

We Did It! 2023 TMIY Fall Appeal Goal is Met!

We Did It! THANK YOU Men of TMIY!

It is with abundant gratitude and tremendous enthusiasm that we share the result of the TMIY Fall Appeal. Your generosity enabled us to achieve our fifth consecutive record TMIY Appeal. We could not be more grateful for your continued investment in and partnership with Paradisus Dei. While the final numbers are not official, we have exceeded the $1.4 million goal that was set for the TMIY Fall 2023 Appeal!

You may be asking, what is the impact of reaching this milestone? What does this mean for TMIY? It means we will have more adequate staffing to add parishes, better serve our existing TMIY parishes, and reach more men than ever with the TMIY program. It means we’ll have the resources to continue bringing you rich, high-quality Catholic content 26 weeks per year. It means we can enhance the TMIY app, redesign our website, and further build out our technology platform to provide our TMIY men with a better overall experience. Most importantly, it means stronger men, stronger families, and a stronger Church. Together, we are doing something beautiful for God!

Thank you again for continuing to increase your support of Paradisus Dei and the TMIY program each year. With every gift we receive, we feel deeply blessed and ever-more committed to bringing you outstanding programming year after year. Let’s make 2024 our best yet!

New! Missionaries to the Family Half-day Retreats

The Art of Catholic Family Life: Building a Holy Home

Our new half-day retreats take married and engaged couples into the mystery of Nazareth. Encounter practical ways to transform your house into a holy home, sacred ground, a place to profoundly encounter God, a place of joyful service and loving sacrifice, a refuge and respite in the chaos of the world.

Check out the start of our 2024 schedule and register for a retreat near you!
More locations are still being added!
January 27 | Baton Rouge, LA Register
February 17 | Media, PA Register
February 24 | Glen Ellyn, IL Register
March 2 | Stratford, CT Register

Want to host a retreat at your parish? Contact us at:[email protected]

Step 7: Practice Superabundant Mercy

Step Seven – Practice Superabundant Mercy

St. John Bosco and St. Therese of Lisieux are the two patron saints of Paradisus Dei. Both point out to us practical ways to practice superabundant mercy in our homes.

St. Therese’s confessor said that she never committed a grave sin her whole life. St. Therese said she would have fallen more than the worst sinner if God had not gone out before her clearing the obstacles from her path. This gives an idea of Superabundant Mercy. It is a mercy that preceeds the souls to prevent it from sinning in the first place.

Don Bosco also understood this idea well. He created his Festive Oratories with a spirit of loving kindness, a place where it was easy to be good and difficult to be bad. Instead of using punishment to correct the children when they did wrong, he wanted to go before them in love such that they would not want to do wrong in the first place.

Apply this to your own life and consider one or more of the following ideas:
Make your home a place of celebration and joy: Intentionally bring joy into your home. Celebrate the feast days of the Saints. Let each member of your family choose a Saint as their own special celebration day.
Declare a “Day of Jubilee”: Dr. Scott Hahn talks about allowing his kids a special day where they can admit to anything they have done wrong and receive forgiveness from him without suffering any punishment. Try it!
Purchase a family book about the life of St. John Bosco and read it as a family. Plan a special celebration with your family on his feast day, January 31st.

Episode 1 of The Joyful Mysteries is NOW AVAILABLE!

We are excited to announce the release of Episode 1 for the The Joyful Mysteries! The second series for Mysteries of the Rosary. The full season, with all seven episodes with be released on October 7, The Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary. You can start planning now to host a small group in your home or a large group at your parish. You can even sign in to watch on your own. Group guides and promotional materials are available.

Click HERE to watch Episode 1| The Fullness of Joy

Click HERE to visit therosaryseries.com to learn more and view images of the Holy Land

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